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Go Nuts for Coconut Oil
Hveragerthi Views: 2,003
Published: 15 y

Go Nuts for Coconut Oil

Go Nuts for Coconut Oil

Studies have shown it helps the immune system, improves digestion and aids healthy aging, yet many are wary of adding coconut oil to their diets because they feel its an unhealthy fat. An article posted on The Hindu by Dr. Rupali Dutta aims to clear the unhealthy misconceptions surrounding this nut oil.

He wrote foods cooked in coconut oil stay fresher longer, and the oil helps with nutrient absorption. He pointed to people in numerous Pacific nations who have used coconut oil for centuries. These cultures cook with in, use it as a skin moisturizer and apply it to their hair. In fact, he wrote, “Coconut oil is the product that should be on your shelf forever."

However, he did note the recent surge in people straying away from coconut oil due to its saturate fat content. People should not think all saturated fat is unhealthy, he said. He said fat comes in three forms: short-, medium- or long-chain based on the number of carbon molecules they contain. He said most (about two-thirds) of the saturated fat in coconut oil consists of medium-chain fatty acids. After a person consumes long-chain fatty acids, bile salts in the small intestine emulsify them before they can be absorbed into the body, thus, he said, short- and medium-chain fatty acids in coconut oil and coconut milk pass directly through the portal vein to the liver, and eventually they are instantaneously obtainable by the body. Most of the saturated fat in coconut oil is easily digestible and renewable into quick energy, he added.

The health benefits of coconut oil are numerous, he wrote, saying for starters, it does not turn into fat in your body. It helps burn fat, produces energy, lowers cholesterol. Further, he noted coconut is rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals. He classifies it as a “functional food" because it provides many health benefits beyond its nutritional content.

In conclusion, he wrote, “It has proven beneficial in strengthening the immune system, improving digestion and preventing premature aging of the skin. Coconut oil in food adds rich aroma to the cuisine."



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