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Re: In A Nightmare
actualhealth Views: 1,993
Published: 15 y
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Re: In A Nightmare

just shed the self and recruit the body ;-) the books will write themselves then and be more creative for it. i do my best work in free fall but the self is such a scaredy cat, always trying to pull this vibrant flesh and blood brain back from it's adventures in this *actual* wide and wondrous world, back to its impotent borrowed wisdom and useless psittacisms. i'm telling you, its days are numbered, i'm heading for the sunshine (nature) it makes more sense to me.

actually you're in a fabulous position, nothing like a little crisis to see the shenanigans one's up to and that dam conditioning one's work stems from and why one's just gotta bust outta that.

i reckon a fast would do you wonders. you can be 'actually' fabulous and wallow in misery at the same time (maintain the status-quo) just kidding :-)

hang in there, we're all a bit cracked, its how the light gets in.


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