but I can tell you that the person who did the flush reported wonderful results.
Isn't this what its all about,the results of better all around heath with these cleanses DQ? I guess the medical establishment can go on and on about the impossibilities of these cleanses and little balls of soap but the real fact is they obtain marvelous results from multitudes of people! That is success!
And yet mainstream medicine makes the same claims about chemotherapy. So does this make chemotherapy safe or effective?
The problem is that if one aspect of the flushes is flawed then that puts the credibility of the whole thing is question. It also puts in to question all other alternative medicines since the medical establishment is going to point out that alternatives are based on assumptions, not evidence. So it is giving the whole alternative industry a black eye. It has been proven that the bog blobs people are passing are not real gallstones, so when people keep claiming they are it not only discredits the flushes, but again also all alternatives.