Re: Could it help my acne ?
Thankyou for your response its nice to have some hope
For the last year i have cut out most foods, and killed off my candida- well most of it i think! I am now on a strict diet called the ph diet which i eat mostly raw food : nuts, seeds, loads of veg, rice, avacados loads!! I also take udo's oil and bee pollen and supergreens. I take agnis castus and evening primrose for my hormones.
I feel better but not a 100%, i do have endometriosis which definatley unbalances my hormone levels, as my skin does look healthier much!! But i still have the acne, not as bad but still there. My plans are to do a colon cleanse, liver cleanse and hopefully this will help :)
I've heard something about a
parasite cleanse you must do before liver cleanse , how do you do this ?