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Re: Unsettling News
Nolongerhurting Views: 8,190
Published: 20 y
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Re: Unsettling News

Hi NoLongerHurting,

If you read the Liver Flush Documenting Health Effects forum, you'll notice that some lab reports that come back do confirm that the stones are indeed gallstones, whereas others confirm that the stones are not gallstones. The TAN ones come back as being gallstones. And the green ones don't, since they are, as Hanna said, just cholesterol and bile. The tan stones come from the gallbladder, so it makes sense that the lab reports would confirm that they are gallstones. The green ones come from the liver, so it makes sense that they are NOT comfirmed as being gallstones.

Oh, I have read everything. I have had Gallstones long enough to read everything from one end of the universe to the other to avoid a cholestectomy. I never had TAN stones. And I had more than ONE lab report tell me there was absolutely no stones in the specimens I provided to them. I'm pretty darn sure that 3 doctors using 3 different labs are not going to lie to me. I went for 3 opinions to be certain. The black chips/with white shards WAS tested and WAS dx'd as being pieces of gallstones. I attribute that to taking regular regimen of GCG with water. I was easily passing those everyday on that without even flushing.

Your naturopath isn't correct in saying that the stones are olive oil. If he/she knew more about it - (like - hung around on Curezone long enough?) then he/she wouldn't have made that statement. Just cuz someone works in the alternative health field doesn't mean they know everything. (ie. take what you need, and leave the rest).

Best to you,

P.S. Next time you send a stone to the lab, make sure its a tan stone! That way you'll get the lab report that you expect.

Thanks, but I do believe my naturopathic doctor is correct in that the green stones was oo and juice. I refuse to argue that. Her lab tested it, and the results came back that it was not stones. We left it to sit out at a room temperature room and it melted. The consistency was that of OIL. There wasn't even chaff in it. I have done my own tests on these and they melt into OIL. I'm not buying that these are stones or anything from my liver. Call it my intuition, because I am a strong believer in following intuition regarding my body. My ND also said flushing way too often is stressful on the liver.... and I DO believe that because I was sick as a dog from flushing too much. I was told one to three flushes yearly is all that is needed a year, along with good herbs to support the liver. To each their own... I am simply posting *my* experience because this is *my* experience. And because mine is different, it does not make it wrong.
Good luck.


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