What about regular consumption of OO and Juice?
As the title says, when I encounter a seemingly nonsupportive response from alopathic medicine I immediately examine both the motives they may have that are contrary to my needs, and the innocent encounters other people have with the matter in question.
In this case I recall buying my last bottle of
Extra-Virgin Olive-Oil at a store with about a 6 foot section, 6 feet tall, of nothing but OO. Many fancy bottles, sources, prices, and qualities were available.
Given its use in Italian and other cooking, and its raw use even in restaurants, I find it hard to believe that incidental to
OO (Olive-Oil) regular consumption someone has not also used citrus based juices at the same time, and still not manufactured these stones in 4-8 hours inside their body, and been displeased with the physical effects we brace for.
I find it simply too convenient that the labs all have the same response, yet I note they report their results in the language of what a tested item is NOT, but never its components? Well, that 'not' list is seemingly infinite. Why did they stop at 1 thing it is NOT? What did they test to determine it IS?? How about a finding of fact that it is made up of.......??? Why not a definitive answer as to their opinion about what it IS??, What they found it TO BE?? You sent them a sample of something definite, I would apprecite a definite response from any service in the 'sciences' if I paid for a TEST, or a factual finding....I can find a guessologist to study how to GUESS what it is NOT! Or I can become a guessologist myself.
I find the post mentioning the trained response meets the answer needs I have with this respect. They did their 'testing' in training to deny what it is, and categorize it as just poo.........convenient. I guess I can call myself a lab and a scientist if this is the manner I need to conduct myself in.....send me a sample and $50 and I will send you a letter about what your sample is NOT. Just don't ask me about my 'scientific methods', or any facts as to what an item IS.
I'd be very interested in seeing a study in gastroenterology about how olive oil and citrus becomes a stone. I'd like to see some test subjects just run
OO (Olive-Oil) and citrus to produce stones with consistency. THAT would be science. It seems to me the same results, with the same criteria, from different researchers is the hallmark of the scietific method. So show me 100 people with NOT stones manufactured in the same manner with the same colors, in a controlled environment.
Don't tell me let me guess, we are all kooks too, and you should be careful about that 'natural' stuff?? Did that get included in the 'test results'?