Small intestines PAIN - help
LAST like 10-12 days i had stomach pain... it would come on and off. i thought it was going to go by itself so didn't do much... now it just doesn't go away, its getting worse.
Last night i had such intense pain, difficulty breathing and feeling way out of it.
it comes on and off, most of the time about 1 hour after i eat. so this tells me its mostly located in the small intestines as it really feels like when food gets in there and put pressure on the intestines walls, pain appears. Also, the pain is right around the navel... on a empty stomach (and empty small intestines) i don't really feel any pain... BUT even then, if i touch with my hands, pain happens...
So, (what now appear obvious after reading some...) , my guess is that its due to ulcers!!
wtf is wrong with me lately... first a gallbladder attack, then ulcers... i never had these in my life.
so any suggestion is greatly appreciated. yesterday i done castor oil pack on the belly, which helped reduce pain... also done like 10-12 grams of VIT C . was planning to do more today but my teeth are really sensible so ill need a tip to get the powder down without damaging my teeth (i did used a glass straw, liquid still touch my back teeth and hurt them...)
so if this is due to h pylori ill do
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement . yesterday i was in my kitchen being desperate and dowsed "is there a supplement or something i have here with me that would get rid of this intestinal problem?" figured out
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement was it...
will also try Newport h pylori script, although ill be out of my house today all day and am too scared to put it on and leave it on all day...
open to suggestions and dowsing confirmations... it might not be ulcers... who knows... just really feel like it!