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Re: Bloating caused by colon cleanse?
blueciel Views: 25,564
Published: 15 y
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Re: Bloating caused by colon cleanse?

I've never taken a product like that before but I've experienced the same distention during my cleanse. I've been doing my Schulze type of cleanse for over three weeks and the distention has lessened.

I find that taking the fiber several times during the day away from the laxative herbs gives you a better cleanse. If you take them all together they just go through you fast without having a scrubbing effect, thus the loose bowels. Also, you're not taking enough fiber. There is just a minimal amount in the capsule. You should be taking a tablespoon 3 times a day, or as often as you can tolerate, for a good cleanse.

Are you doing the cleanse because of constipation? In that case, start slowly with psyllium and make sure you have laxative herbs in the evening in case you get even more constipated. Look into Dr. Schulze 's cleanse.


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