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...since the chlorine dioxide is short lived..
fungihomeworld Views: 2,088
Published: 15 y
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...since the chlorine dioxide is short lived..

I am using the spray bottle..but only making
an amount of solution that can be used in one
immediate application. [1 ml of Miracle-Mineral-Supplement to 100 ml distilled
water works well for me..enough to coat all skin and scalp
in one use]

..will be interesting to see what the Miracle-Mineral-Supplement does to hair..
but the hair already "party colored" due to previous
uses of H202 on lesions. Nothing much at risk there..
Really need to find proper "weapons" to break up the mOrg
party in the hair follicles. Enough of this insane
combing out a small handful of mOrg fibers every day!


excerpt from Jim Humble's book:

Understanding the Miracle Mineral Supplement
chapeter nine page 11

"The chlorine dioxide ion retains its ability to destroy
pathogens, diseased cells, poisonous substances, and other harmful
items for ony aobut 30 minutes. It really begins to lose its energy within
seconds of being released from the sodium chlorite, but usually can do
its job for up to 30 minutes. By the end of an hour or so, it has deteriorated to the
point that it will no longer destry pathogens, but it can
still combine with various other chemicals."


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