Tickling the dragon's tail..
...been hammered with full burner morgellons fibers and
lesions for a year. tried many..many things with few
results. Starting to use
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement ...4th day on
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement .
(Well..ok..I did have a week of "low octane" [2% sodium chlorite]
water purification drops before the
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement arrived.)
I am utterly over run with the mORg mayhem. Got over a hundred pics uploaded here:
displaying all manner of mOrg mischief.
On day 4 taking the 22% sodium chlorite MMS.
Taking 3 drops with the 50 percent "activator"
[3x3] So far...have detected no reaction to the MMS
despite taking 3 drop doses...3 times so far today.
I do want to take enough to make an impact on a severe
mOrg overgrowth problem..
on the other hand...I dont see any advantage in "Herxing"
myself into the hospital....should everything "die" at the
same time.
...??? should I expect a "delayed reaction" with the MMS?
I know that I was taking heavy doses of herbal antifungals for two weeks..a year ago..for what I thought was a candida
overgrowth..when all heck broke loose.
No "slow reaction"...it was Fibers Running Wild...and
"right now!".
fibers growing out of everywhere..fingertips..legs..arms..
very..very..creepy. And..millions of morg fibers all left the
gut at the same time...the stool had the density of an
adobe brick. yeah.. good times.
...and been sprouting fibers everywhere..ever since.
...so...I wonder how aggressive to be with the MMS...
without overly risking a massive die off...that's on a
delayed fuse. I keep ramping up the dose..looking for a reaction of some kind...only to have the "beast" awakened
all at once..and knock me flat. How hard does one
"tickle the dragon"?... go very low dose for a long period of time until something "breaks"..or keep ramping
up the dose until you "feel something change"?
...hit with a hammer..or the whiffle bat...?