...i think the dragon stirred a bit
..Wednesday felt like crap all day..
every cubic
inch of body ached..
draining fluid from sinus all day..
coughing up fluid from lungs..[that's a new twist..]
headache..zero energy..cancelled planned "to do " list..
..two hour nap during afternoon didn't help much..but about
all i felt like doing..
suspect I hit the "trip point" for starting a Herx avalanche..no vomiting or other messyness..but another
dose might have accomplished that...rather easily.
...was taking six drops appx every 8 hours.
took NO more
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement last night..attempt to mop up the
morg/bacterial/fungal debris with multi enzyme [megazyme forte]
and cinnamon as an anti free radical
tool. I understand that ripping up microbes and cells
in general.. and the resulting inflammation
generates free radicals
[and cinnamon has an insanely high ORAC value and I have
plenty of it] Discovered the hard way that the common
cinnamon in the stores is not true cinnamon..and has a high
amount of coumadin..blood thinner. Caution is advised.**
Feel much better after laying off the
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement for 18 hours or so. Still hurts everywhere..but not as much. Been aching
for months anyway. Strike that...been
hurting for 3 years..[docs kept coming up with bizarre
theories. [[you have MS..etc]] Cutting the
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement dosage back a bit..
pressing on with the defense vs the mORg seige. Continue
studying other anti mORg weapon tech..
[preparing to launch a cow over the castle walls..should
be interesting]
**lesion biopsy..would not stop bleeding..alarmed the
doc trying to stich up the hole..[? are you taking lots
of aspirin?} Finally sealed the hole with a cautery [heat]
tool..burned it closed.
..found out later about the cinnamon/coumadin connection.
I had been taking a teaspoon or more a day for months...for
it's antioxidant properties. I don't take THAT much these
??I've read that Cassia cinnamon not even legal for sale
in Germany because of the coumadin content.
"True Cinnamon" is ok.