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Schulze - Natural Healing - Medical Intervention Re: [FAQ] What is Natural Healing? working file thread..
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Schulze - Natural Healing - Medical Intervention Re: [FAQ] What is Natural Healing? working file thread..




We listen when our body "talks" and use this communication to guide us in our healing process. Stop, Look and Listen

Dull, Suppress or completely Remove the Symptoms, most often assessing that the symptom is the Disease and never getting to the cause of why our body is "communicating"


To Create a Healthy Person

To Destroy, Kill or Cure a Disease


Setting up a proper living "environment" so our body can heal itself. This is done through changes in our Food Program, Elimination, Movement, Emotions and Lifestyle. Assistance Attacking, Killing and Removing disease using drugs and surgery. Altering or removing malfunctioning organs (ex. coronary bypass surgery, appendectomy, mastectomy, Intervention)


Fruits, Vegetables, Grains, Seeds and Nuts, Herbs, Concentrated whole food supplements such as sea vegetables. NO Side Effects

Drugs made from petrochemicals, animal waste and toxic elements. Man made vitamin and mineral pills. MANY Side Effects including DEATH

Products of Nature. Wholesome. Man Made Products. Isolated
Vegetarian (Vegan) Food Programs, Cleansing and Detoxification Routines, Exercise and Movement, Bodywork, Hydrotherapy, Emotional Healing, and Changes In the way we Live, Work, Play and Relate Surgery, Radiation, Toxic Chemotherapy, Stimulant, Sedative and Suppressive drugs, Carnivore DIEtetics, Dialysis, Colostomies, Changes in ones Lifestyle and Habits are rarely discussed.


Positive Attitude, Excitement, Strength Negative Attitude, Coping, Anxiety, Fear, Weakness, Depression, Being out of Control, Our life is in someone else's hands.


We have created our current health level and therefore we can change it and heal ourself. Being in control. I "caught" this disease. I am an unlucky victim. Doctor please heal me.


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