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[FAQ] What is Natural Healing?: Working File Thread
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[FAQ] What is Natural Healing?: Working File Thread

This is an FAQ working file thread. Please do not ask questions in this thread. Feel free to add valid information/research and or testimonies.

Natural Healing is simply living a healthy life using what nature provides. Whole organic foods, fresh-made juices and plants and herbs are used to nourish the body and to assist with elimination, cleansing and detoxification. A vegan food program is optimum.

Cleansing all systems of the body, restoring the natural balance within the body and providing it with the needed nutrition to heal using 'nature's pharmacy'.

"All disease is caused by some type of blockage, whether it is circulatory, lymphatic, digestive, nutritional, elimination, emotional, whatever, free the blockage, let the energy flow, and healing explodes." ~Dr. Schulze

Hippocrates said it best: "Let food by thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food"

Herbs, herbal teas and tinctures, pure essential oils, and fresh made juices are healing and health giving. They are nature’s medicines.

Natural Healing is simply giving the body the nutrients and herbals needed to cleanse, restore and heal.

Natural Healing treats the whole person and aids the body / mind / spirit to heal itself by creating a lifestyle and environment that promotes wellness and healing.

No one system in the body works independently. Your body will heal itself in the proper order, find its balance and restore health.

Hydrotherapy, Body Work Therapies and Movement / Exercise are used to stimulate the circulation, restructure, and remove blockages.

Our bodies are natural, they are "of this earth" and our bodies already HAVE the schematics they need to repair & restore themselves. What we need to do is turn to Nature/God/Earth to find exactly what our natural bodies need to repair themselves.

The fastest, safest, most successful way to restore our bodies is to STOP 'putting in' things that alter/destroy the natural balance & chemistry of the body, and START doing everything to restore the natural balance so the body can do what it is programmed and designed to do...HEAL & LIVE! [Unyquity]

"Your body has a BLUEPRINT, a SCHEMATIC of what perfect health is and it is constantly trying to achieve this perfect health for you, all that goes wrong is that you get in the way of this natural process."

"Getting well is easy, it is getting sick that takes years of constant, dedicated hard work."

"Getting well is just a matter of stopping what you did to make yourself sick and beginning a few new programs that will encourage health."

What Natural Healing is NOT:
Allopathic, Conventional, Homeopathic, Naturopathic and Holistic Medicine?


WHERE TO START... To Develop a Better Understanding of Natural Healing:

Helpful information when educating yourself and learning about true Natural Healing and the programs/protocols followed on this forum:

[FAQ] Moving Toward Perfect Health - Foundational Health Programs
Dr. Schulze:

[FAQ] Health Building Food Program. Learning to be a Vegan.

[FAQ] Non-Supplementation

~!~ Compilation ALL "Working FAQ"



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