This is an FAQ working file thread. Please do not ask questions in this thread. Feel free to add valid information/research and or testimonies.
Natural Healing is simply living a healthy life using what nature provides. Whole organic foods, fresh-made juices and plants and herbs are used to nourish the body and to assist with elimination, cleansing and detoxification. A vegan food program is optimum.
Cleansing all systems of the body, restoring the natural balance within the body and providing it with the needed nutrition to heal using 'nature's pharmacy'.
"All disease is caused by some type of blockage, whether it is circulatory, lymphatic, digestive, nutritional, elimination, emotional, whatever, free the blockage, let the energy flow, and healing explodes." ~Dr. Schulze
Hippocrates said it best: "Let food by thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food"
Herbs, herbal teas and tinctures, pure essential oils, and fresh made juices are healing and health giving. They are nature’s medicines.
Natural Healing is simply giving the body the nutrients and herbals needed to cleanse, restore and heal.
Natural Healing treats the whole person and aids the body / mind / spirit to heal itself by creating a lifestyle and environment that promotes wellness and healing.
No one system in the body works independently. Your body will heal itself in the proper order, find its balance and restore health.
Hydrotherapy, Body Work Therapies and Movement / Exercise are used to stimulate the circulation, restructure, and remove blockages.
Our bodies are natural, they are "of this earth" and our bodies already HAVE the schematics they need to repair & restore themselves. What we need to do is turn to Nature/God/Earth to find exactly what our natural bodies need to repair themselves.
The fastest, safest, most successful way to restore our bodies is to STOP 'putting in' things that alter/destroy the natural balance & chemistry of the body, and START doing everything to restore the natural balance so the body can do what it is programmed and designed to do...HEAL & LIVE! [Unyquity]
"Your body has a BLUEPRINT, a SCHEMATIC of what perfect health is and it is constantly trying to achieve this perfect health for you, all that goes wrong is that you get in the way of this natural process."
"Getting well is easy, it is getting sick that takes years of constant, dedicated hard work."
"Getting well is just a matter of stopping what you did to make yourself sick and beginning a few new programs that will encourage health."
What Natural Healing is NOT:
Allopathic, Conventional, Homeopathic, Naturopathic and Holistic Medicine?
WHERE TO START... To Develop a Better Understanding of Natural Healing:
Helpful information when educating yourself and learning about true Natural Healing and the programs/protocols followed on this forum:
[FAQ] Moving Toward Perfect Health - Foundational Health Programs
Dr. Schulze:
[FAQ] Health Building Food Program. Learning to be a Vegan.
[FAQ] Non-Supplementation
~!~ Compilation ALL "Working FAQ"
We listen when our body "talks" and use this communication to guide us in our healing process. Stop, Look and Listen |
Dull, Suppress or completely Remove the Symptoms, most often assessing that the symptom is the Disease and never getting to the cause of why our body is "communicating" |
To Create a Healthy Person |
To Destroy, Kill or Cure a Disease |
Setting up a proper living "environment" so our body can heal itself. This is done through changes in our Food Program, Elimination, Movement, Emotions and Lifestyle. Assistance | Attacking, Killing and Removing disease using drugs and surgery. Altering or removing malfunctioning organs (ex. coronary bypass surgery, appendectomy, mastectomy, Intervention) |
Fruits, Vegetables, Grains, Seeds and Nuts, Herbs, Concentrated whole food supplements such as sea vegetables. NO Side Effects |
Drugs made from petrochemicals, animal waste and toxic elements. Man made vitamin and mineral pills. MANY Side Effects including DEATH |
Products of Nature. Wholesome. | Man Made Products. Isolated |
Vegetarian (Vegan) Food Programs, Cleansing and Detoxification Routines, Exercise and Movement, Bodywork, Hydrotherapy, Emotional Healing, and Changes In the way we Live, Work, Play and Relate | Surgery, Radiation, Toxic Chemotherapy, Stimulant, Sedative and Suppressive drugs, Carnivore DIEtetics, Dialysis, Colostomies, Changes in ones Lifestyle and Habits are rarely discussed. |
Positive Attitude, Excitement, Strength | Negative Attitude, Coping, Anxiety, Fear, Weakness, Depression, Being out of Control, Our life is in someone else's hands. |
We have created our current health level and therefore we can change it and heal ourself. Being in control. | I "caught" this disease. I am an unlucky victim. Doctor please heal me. |
Hi Mira,
to the forum!
A lot of us here on the forum are sad that the Dr. Schulze we see now is NOT the Dr. Schulze that used to be. It seems he went from a natural healer to a salesman.
I can't say where Dr. Schulze gets his herbs or if they are organically grown, I would hate to think he had changed so much that he didn't use organic herbs in his products. We only promote organically grown or correctly wildcrafted herbs, the highest quality available. I agree, his prices are very high.
Guess I'm always looking for the "fountain of youth"
Aren't we all lol? The sad fact is that most people are much older in their physical body than they are in years for many reasons but I think we can do a lot to turn that around, maybe not drastically but a good bit. ;)
The question of the change in Dr. Schulze has been brought up many times in the forum. Below are a couple of posts where Uny talks about it.
There's no way anyone can know for sure what has happened & why. It is very clear (to anyone that watches the Save Your Life videos and reads the 650 page manual (his own words, his original "incurables program"), that the program he offers now isn't even CLOSE to the same.
Having studied many of the great healers of this century, I know of only one that died a 'natural' death (Dr. Christopher) - the others were "broken" (in one way or another) by the Powers That Be. This seems to be what has happened to Dr. Schulze (I'd certainly rather assume that, than assume he's consciously chosen his current pathway).
I doubt any one of us can even come close to comprehending what it feels like when cold handcuffs are snapped on our wrists, and we're drug off to prison like a dog...for the crime of healing people. Or what it's like daily, to risk our life & freedom (and that of our spouses & children) to safely & effectively (and selflessly) help our fellow humans...and what living under those pressures (daily, for decades) can do to a person, their calling and the rest of their life.
I extend great honor & respect to Dr. Schulze (and the others) for walking their selfless pathways so that we can find the truth. I cannot sit in judgment - I have no right to do that. And quite honestly, I can think of no one that deserves 'financial gain' more than him...but certainly NOT at the expense of others' health.
But I do have the right (and the responsibility) to share the truth with others to ensure that the real Dr. Schulze Incurables Program (the one he actually used clinically)...the one they THINK they're using/buying, is the one they actually buy & utilize.
More below
(from the 2nd link - but please read it all)
>>>I want to say all 'the above' in order to explain the things I think we should consider about Dr. Schulze ...and the roads he's traveled, and the person that he's become as we view him now.
There is no doubt in my mind that he has somehow been adversely affected by his past persecutions, imprisonments and constant harassment from the Powers That Be...all great healers are, and he's no different. His teachings, works, protocols, products & programs were as successful (or more successful) than any healer that has ever healed. And just like those before and after him, that success has come with a VERY high price tag. We owe him nothing but gratitude and the best effort we have to make SURE that his TRUE healing protocols are never forgotten.
But the fact remains, that it clearly appears to anyone that looks closely, that Dr. Schulze is no longer the same man as he once was. He no longer (for whatever reason) chooses to 'fight like he used to'. And sadly, it appears that the financial aspect of his "enterprise" is now playing a part (as noted in link above regarding his comments about liver cleansing...that completely deny/hide the truths he stated and protocols he utilized when he was saving thousands of lives). And of course, there's the "Superfood Plus" with undisclosed ingredient ratios and the simple fact he's promoting it when he has no IDEA how it actually works in a clinical setting...and the products that are SO necessary to healing successfully, that he no longer makes.
It's up to US (because there's nobody else to do it) to make SURE than people know the truth of the intensity of the persecution and stress these great healers must endure (and how it can effect them negatively)...and it's up to US to continue to gather all the information we can and share with others the TRUTHS of the products and protocols that this great man created and utilized.>>>
Yes, I am angry & biased against the 'new Dr. Schulze', since he's become SO commercial and consistently recommends for/against things that contradict his own teachings when he was in clinical practice (and consistently seem to 'contradict' on the side of his selling products & making money).
Am I angry/biased because he no longer publishes his formulas because I can't copy them and sell them to make money? Nope. Rocky & I had 95% of everything we have in our Apothecary LONG before we ever started selling it for a profit (as meager as that profit may be). I've gained MORE than enough knowledge from studying Schulze & Christopher (and other herbalists and herbs) to duplicate this product almost 'to the tee' without him publishing the formula (all I'd have to do is buy a bottle and do a bit of experimenting).
Am I upset that he no longer publishes his formulas because it deprives those that aren't as knowledgeable as myself, from being able to reproduce his good formulas and heal themselves naturally...without paying exorbitant prices that pay for his staff of over 50 people, his attorneys, his brick & mortar storefront and all his other expenses. Of course, that's upsetting - because I'm sure Dr. Schulze would still make plenty of money (just like he did in the past) because there's plenty of people that buy from him because of his reputation and 'name'.
Note: I believe (from the VERY bottom of my heart), that there's not a healer living that deserves to have financial wealth & prosperity (if that's what they desire) any more than Dr. Richard Schulze. This man risked his LIFE, his freedom and that of his family in order to follow in the footsteps of Dr. Christopher and help people learn to heal themselves naturally. (Richard Schulze has been jailed, prosecuted & persecuted relentlessly by the PTB, and like Dr. Christopher, totally forbidden from doing anything but teaching and selling herbs).
I also believe that if-when financial gain overrides 'healing truths & integrity', then this should be brought to matter who is doing it. The "new Dr. Schulze" is not the same healer as the "old Dr. Schulze" that cured thousands of incurable diseases. I encourage everyone to learn to understand the differences by learning the methodology and protocols he used when he was in practice. And I also urge everyone to understand that until one of us has walked in his footsteps (and suffered the persecution that he has suffered) that we have no right to "judge" his actions and choices negatively...but we do have the responsibility of identifying the truth.
I do not recommend this product, and I will not create it (nor anything similar to it), so please don't ask. If you want to buy it & use it, that is 100% your choice. You should "ALWAYS NEVER" depend upon what ANYONE tells you about anything (and that includes what I tell you) - you should "ALWAYS ALWAYS" do the research and decide for yourself what you want to put in your precious body.
I'm so happy that we have the SYL videos and manual to learn from, from when Dr. Schulze was the man he used to be! ;)
Eme made this post in the FAQ for parasites, I thought it needed to be posted here. To everyone reading this: Natural healing is NOT like going to a doctor or ND - each and every protocol or "prescription" if you will or dosage is based ENTIRELY upon the body's state, which changes each and every day and OUR ability to hear it and perceive the changes. It is often that MANY people "jump in" and haven't yet had a chance to develop the intuition and perception that we haven't used all of our LIVES since we relied upon others to 'treat us' and tell us what was wrong and what to do. We develop that intuition BY "jumping in", that's the only way to do it. We can't ever hurt ourselves when we're using truly natural protocols, procedure and foods, but we can frustrate ourselves immensely. That's why we're/I'm here, and one of the biggest reasons I've wanted this forum. By sharing our own 'learning curves' with each other, we can help each other learn & discern what's going on in their body and on their learning curves. These protocols have been used successfully for decades...but sadly, the PTB (powers that be) have taken our teachers from us, and those that would have learned from them and become healers, that we could then go to for REAL "doctoring". Nothing is "scary"; NOTHING is cause for alarm or panic - again, these protocols have been used successfully for decades, and being able to heal ourselves is a joyous miracle in itself.