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Re: Congratulations!
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Re: Congratulations!

Thank you! Still verrry sore... I think a lot has to do with being in constant pain since Sunday. I am up and moving around (very slowly) this afternoon. I will definitely keep up with flushes this time. I did probably 6 after the first attack and have felt wonderful up until Sunday! This really came out of the blue with no warning signs leading up to it. I plan on doing at leat 6 more and then evaluate and move into regularly doing them seasonally along with a nice juice fast! It's easy to forget how much pain I was in the last time and have really not kept up with what made me feel better. I have read a lot in the past on this site and learned a lot from it- when I posted the other night...I was desparate and didn't have time/ concentration skills to go through page after page. My naturopath is super nice and has helped me with thyroid issues...she has heard of people getting into trouble and needing emergency surgery- so she tends to be more careful in that respect. But I'm so glad I went ahead and did it! I would do another one tonight but I really think my body needs some time to heal- so maybe next week I will repeat. Thank you again!


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