So glad that you got help. I just found this section, but when I was in the middle of having an attack a couple of times, I drank some
Epsom Salts , just a little bit, and it stopped my attacks a couple of times very quickly. These things are horrible. If you're trying to save your GB, understand that you have to change your total diet around. I found good help with Dr. Sandra Cabot's living-cleansing diet book.
Also, me knowing what I know now, which I didn't know about at the time and should have known, is that taking magnesium, a good form of it, is very important. Please read my blogspot. I haven't posted in a couple of days, though. Haven't had the time, which I need to get back to it.
Epsom Salts , that's why it helps is the magnesium. Magnesium relaxes your muscles; calcium causes them to contract. Yet you also need calcium too, just not in excess. It's magnesium that most people are extremely deficient on.
And you might need some kind of magnesium that stays in your system for a long period of time. Still, you're going to have to change your diet. You will have no choice. Dr. Cabot goes into the importance of
juicing in her book too, and she gives you the diet to eat. Your family will also benefit from it.
Too bad that I didn't have this sustained release magnesium when I had my GB. It stays in your system 8 hours, therefore, you're not getting the diarrhea effect. Our heart needs tons of magnesium, which it's a vital organ, and if you don't have enough, it draws from your nervous system and other places, and your liver needs magnesium. Every cell in your body needs sufficient magnesium.
I do hope that you can save your GB. I tried hard, and my last two little
Gallstones is what caused me to lose it. I had a blockage, had pancreatitis, and had to have it removed. Did good for several years, though.
In the meantime, I hope that you regain your health. Please know that I do understand how painful those GB attacks are. I definitely have empathy for you.