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Re: 3 months post mirena, and scared might have ALS.
cynthleal Views: 7,341
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Re: 3 months post mirena, and scared might have ALS.

Hi cardiatec I'm so sorry to hear of another victim from mirena; I'm happy that you got it out which is the best thing to star on the healing process. I'm not sure how long will it take you to start feeling better. For me it hasn't been easy, it has been a long road of ups and downs, there has been days that I feel like I'm getting out of this nightmare, and then again with no warning I feel back to beginning. I was as well scare to death of MS and ALS or of other unknown disease, but thank God that all my tests came back negative. I been tested for many things but it all comes back to normal, at the beginning I was treated for Lyme disease and still no improvement. Now 11 months post removal I can tell you that I have improve but still not 100%, I will say that on my good days I feel 80% better and on my bad days I fell 50% better. I can't really tell you of my symptoms at this time because they all come and go with no pattern, and some times a new one pops. I'm almost sure that your symptoms are the effects from Mirena and I encourage you to be patient and strong because like me and many others here it has taken us a while to get back to normal. I'm going to try to name as many symptoms as I can remember it has been so many that is hard to go all over them. FAINT-- one time. PANIC ATTACKS---almost not any more. TWITCHING ALL OVER BODY---still lingering but it's gotten better. SHOOTING PAINS ALL OVER---almost not any more. BRAIN FOGGINESS----getting much better. SHAKINESS---almost none any more. MEMORY PROBLEMS----much much better. MUSCLE WEAKNESS---- about 85% better. LOST OF HAIR------- 90% better. NAUSEA---90% better. BLURRED VISION---NO MORE. HANDS AND KNEES JOIN PAIN AND STIFFNESS-----90% better. TREMORS----80% better. SHORTNESS OF BREATH----75% better. MUSCLE SORENESS----75% better. ACID REFLUX------still pretty bad. HEADACHES----almost none. EAR POPPING---80% better. JELLY LEGS--- 70% better. UPPER BACK PROBLEMS---- still bother specially at this moment. SPEECH PROBLEMS----90% better. BLOATED PROBLEMS-----90% better. ANXIETY------70% better. HEART CHEST PAIN----70% bettter. NUMBNESS ON MY ARMS WHEN SLEEPING-----getting better. DEPRESSION----70% better. THROAT PROBLEMS LIKE PAIN AND TONSILLITIS-----still bothering. DIZZINESS ,UNBALANCE------70% better. MUSCLE CRAMPS----no more. COORDINATION PROBLEMS-----95% better. Ok this are the ones that i can remember I hope that this helps, and like I said some still linger around but it has gotten better. I really you star getting better soon and that it doesn't take you long to recover. Good luck God bless. Let me know how doing and if I can help just let me know.


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