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Re: 3 months post mirena, and scared might have ALS.
Jane123 Views: 7,837
Published: 16 y
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Re: 3 months post mirena, and scared might have ALS.

I've read numerous posts here of women with your exact side effects. After numerous tests and trips to specialists most tests come back negative for any specific disease. It's not uncommon when you have been ill for a long time to have feelings of doom or the fear you are dying. It seems most women do get better post removal, but it takes a long time. I'm convinced your symptoms are the result of a combination of an autoimmune response to the silicone the IUD is made of (your body is attacking itself to rid it of the foreign body) and the artificial hormone that DOES become systemic and causes some of your symptoms.
You can do a search in this forum for exact symptoms others have had. Please be patient while your body readjusts it's hormones and starts to give up on attacking the foreign body that's now gone. I'm curious as to what tests you've had done. Have your thyroid tested if not done already as many have had their thyroid gland damaged as a result of the autoimmune response. I'm so sorry for what you are going through. Keep us informed.


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