anyone's opinion...
i love trying to be a "fruitarian", my favourites are:
watermelons, (infact any melons!!), peaches, grapes, mangos
and pineapples! yum!!
but i live in england.
none of this stuff grows here - it is all imported,
any organic is ridiculously expensive here.
i am new to raw and have been reading about "pestisides" &
"herbisides", and it has really put me off trying to be a
fruitarian here.
[i'm now assuming the stuff i'm buying must be coated with
it! boooo!!!.....
and here's me eating bucket loads of it daily,
i must be radioactive now! (tastes great though)]
local option is limited
(all we have is a few small farms and they have very
little produce, currently strawberries and asparagus!
and I KNOW for a fact they uses sprays!!),
organic range is super limited esp. on fruit
and ridiculoulsy expensive,
and I love the imported tropical stuff!
this has made me really sad :(
what do you guys recommend I do??
thanks everyone.