Re: bioware- you should know what you are really up against...
most everything *lurks* in our bodies... the *effect* these lurking things have on our bodies depends primarily upon the health of the individual's biological terrain.
This is why a person with amalgams, root canals, bridges, etc., and a history of working in a toxic environment can, and does live into their 90's and beyond at times... while others get sick with the smallest of exposures.
A man I know who just turned 94 is an example of this very thing.
Hg for instance is not only in vaccines, it is also in our air, water and soil... among a plethora of other things we *consume*. We get Hg every day... and aluminum, and lead, and fluoride, and bromide, etc.
Japan has a history of dumping mercury laden waste into the oceans.
it is kind of like EMFs... you cannot stop them... they are everywhere... all you can do is *buffer* them as best you can with a healthy biological terrain.
In fact, I would argue that we do not want to entirely eliminate them from our bodies... how on earth will our bodies ever *adapt* and learn to deal with these toxins if we are forever fighting the losing battle of trying to completely eliminate them?
And then, if one's elimination methods rely heavily upon electronic devises and\or *supplements*, what happens when these things are no longer available; or the power to operate devises is unavailable?
Or, one cannot afford them to begin with? What then?
There are other ways, much more inexpensive ways... but then, most people only see the one that *seemed* to work for them though and tend to discount anything else. Especially when they seem to *think* they have tried everything when they have not.
My point again, which I am not sure you are grasping, is that there are ALWAYS other ways - some, that may actually be the better method for some people than others.
I am not discounting your choice, or your method in dealing with the issue at all - in fact, I will take a moment here to applaud you for finding something that worked for *you*.
That in itself is a greater achievement than most.
IMHO, based upon my own research and experience, these *protocols* that include supplements, machines, etc. are not the *best* way for long term remediation nor do they allow for the biological adaptive processes *necessary* (and I mean absolutely essential) in a rapidly changing environment.. though as I stated previously, in the short term, it could provide one in dire need, great benefit.