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Protein & Healthy Fats in vegan foods Re: My muscles are wasting.
The choice to eat animal foods is an individual one. You can get all the protein and fats your body needs when following a vegan food program. I hope the list below offers some help in putting together a food program that will supply your body with what is needed for you to be healthy.
The only time you need to limit the foods you consume is during a juice fast.
Basic List of Vegan and Healing Foods:
distilled or reverse osmosis water
live/organic/raw/unprocessed/unfiltered/unheated/whole foods;
fruits, vegetables, herbs/herbal teas
soaked/sprouted nuts, seeds, grains and beans
fermented/cultured/kefir foods and beverages
organic raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar
raw unheated unfiltered honey
blackstrap molasses
Sippery Elm
non-active nutritional yeast
healthy oils [plant-sourced]: organic, unrefined, cold-pressed, virgin; [examples: coconut, olive, sunflower, flaxseed]
Potassium Broth