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Re: Coconut oil instead of oo?
prettysoulful Views: 2,130
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 167,006

Re: Coconut oil instead of oo?

Here, here!

I spend so much time at registers of stores for corrections on prices that ring up different than the posted, recounting change for kids at registers to keep them from being short, and basically training and clarifying information for every freakin' transaction that I make in a store (more often than not to their benefit, not my own) that I no longer feel any pity for businesses that either don't train their employees properly or don't want to invest(time or money) in adequate inventory equipment. Service sucks, quality sucks, and prices are way out of proportion. I recently paid almost 5 bucks for 4 organic lemons only to get home and find that 2 of them were shrivelled and rotten inside, but I just didn't have the time, energy, or gas to go running back to another store for more refunds and lame apologies. If there is anything that is going to wreck my health, it is the inane issues that I have to deal with just to buy something.

Enjoy your discounted coconut oil. Bon appetit!


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