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Re: Coconut oil instead of oo?
todg Views: 2,602
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 166,982

Re: Coconut oil instead of oo?

Yes, I have read several people's comments here on their successful flushing with coconut oil. The purpose of the olive oil is to force the gall bladder to push out stones, not to open the ducts. That function can be accomplished with substances that relax the smooth muscle tissue, such as magnesium or sulfur ( Epsom Salts are magnesium sulfate). In fact one person did it and pointed out that though the coconut oil was clear, the green stones still came out.

On coconut oil I find this info:

"The digestion of coconut oils is faster and starts almost in the mouth itself and undergoes complete digestion in the stomach and upper intestine not requiring the pancreatic juice lipase for its digestion. It also has better solubility in biological fluids, getting absorbed directly into the portal blood and carried to the liver directly to undergo rapid oxidation to release energy."


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