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Re: I don't know if the doctrine is working for me
Johny Apple Bomb Views: 1,449
Published: 15 y
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Re: I don't know if the doctrine is working for me

By the way, what method are you using to turn the 165 into a contact device? Simple copper hand paddles like zappers use?


You can use both hand and foot pads hooked up to the output on the f165. The F165 has an extra variable 0 - 13 volts or so output.

I think you have 2 internal channels: A:1.5 MHZ, B:100 KHZ. A circuit board more like an F125. 1 output 5 V TTL. So you could use the A; channel as the carrier wave and it would be above 1 MHZ. But the voltage is only 5 volts so it probably wouldn't have enough voltage.

Then they amplify it up to a very high voltage for the EMEM plasma tube. Much too high for hand pads though.

Here is the units most are using for pad devices and to control plasma devices.

Here is the board in your unit.

Maybe your plasma is as good or better than a pad device but it would be nice to use both methods.



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