Re: I don't know if the doctrine is working for me
As a newbie to this forum I find myself sad to read your message.....sad for you and sad for me who has come here with hopes of coming out of my sad place in my body
what does your dowsing say?
more layers?
More chelation needed?
How long have you been chelating?
do you have fillings still?
something maybe not considered as part of the brew?
as an example of that last one I just did another test for my bromide level and my output has gone up since February and I have been taking at least 100mg Iodoral per day. I don't know if the doctrine is supposed to address that, it seems it needs help with metals and things like metals/toxins. Dr David Brownstein told me after his talk in Boulder two years ago that he was on 50mg of Iodoral 4 years before his bromine levels actually dropped down. Gosh, I hate to wait four years for that but if thats what it takes then I will hang in there. And one thing that has me hopeful to hang in there with the
Iodine is that I have noticed my outer 1/3 of my eyebrows has just in last two weeks started to fill in a little probably know that is a classic hypothyroid symptom, so for me
Iodine is part of my mix, an Iodoral seems to work for me, and on this forum it seems that people are using
SSKI ........
so all I am saying is maybe you need to find something unique for you