Johny Apple Bomb
in my opinion the plasma device is much more powerful than the contact devices. However it tops off at 10,000 Hz, which is a huge liability
I already have the F165 frequency generator, which is what I am using to power the SC-1
I am just wondering if converting it to a contact device is as simple as getting a BNC to alligator clips cable and then hooking alligator clips up to Copper tubes/footplates ?
Yes it is as simple as that.
I use a BNC that outputs to 2 banana type outputs. Available at the Atelier site and electronic stores.
I like the banana type cables that I buy at Fry's electronics or other.
For hand paddles I like these. You just plug in the banana plug cables from the BNC. You want to order some of the cloth covers also.
You do the same for foot pads.
Their are different ways of connecting them. Parazapper likes only one of the hands connected to ground.
GB-4000 directions say to connect both hands to positive and both feet to ground.
Some connect one hand positive one hand ground. One foot positive, one foot ground.
If you use the parazapper hook up you only need one plate for both feet. As they are both positive.