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Re: One more question about kefir please.
GrannyCat Views: 2,456
Published: 15 y
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Re: One more question about kefir please.

Well, I have a gallon suntea jar, one with continuous brew kombucha and one with continuous brew water kefir. I finally gave up the milk kefir months ago.

It takes a good month or more to ferment in the gallon jars. Then I put them into plastic bottles, add whatever fruit, flavorings and such I like, top the lid tightly and let them sit for a second brew, which takes several weeks to a month! I usually have two second brew bottles going in the cabinet next to the suntea jars and one of each in the frig. Then I drink from the frig bottles every day.

My last batch of bucha that was in the frig had formed THREE BABY SCOBYS! I was taking a giant two or three swigs like normal and got a big wad of scoby in my mouth! BLEH! I kept putting them back in the bottle cause I also now have a scoby hotel, but I finally threw the baby ones out. Both bucha and wk get nice, tart and fizzy in the second brew.

Can't hurt to back off and see how it goes then if you get improvement, start back slowly and work your way back up. Keep us posted.



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