After taking 1 tsp of Perma-Guard food grade DE for three consecutive days, I suffer lower back pain, increased blood pressure, fast pulse and increased body temperature.
I think it was due to DE entered into my blood stream via my leaky gut. I am concerned about the damage to my internal organs, especially the kidneys which are very delicate. I don’t think these were Herx reaction. According to Wise Traditions (a publication of The Weston A. Price Foundation: quote “… individuals suffering from perforations of the alimentary tract (such as bleeding ulcers, colitis, leaky gut syndrome, and advanced lupus) always should exercise caution and use diatomaceous earth only under the care of a doctor or other health practitioner.”
Should I do a kidney cleanse as well as Liver Flush to get rid of the DE even though I am so ill now? I would appreciate any advice.