Re: Help please!! I having leaky gut and become very ill after taking Diatomaceous Earth
I do not drink calcium citrate. Instead, I drink magnesium citrate (CALM by Peter Gillham) containing 150 gm of elemental magnesium twice a day i.e. a total daily intake of 300 mg. I don't know whether it is sufficient to dissolve my kidney stones.
Can I take silicon drops like Biosil or Cell Food, or homeopathic silicon cell salt instead of taking DE for getting my silicon and hence its health benefits. BTW, apart from killing parasites, are the many benefits claimed of DE really true?
Apart from silicon, DE also contains other minerals, including aluminum. Can aluminum and other toxic metals be absorbed by taking DE? Is DE safe and good for long term use?
I will check for
kidney stones in my coming annual medical check-up. In the meantime, I will try to dissolve them with Stone Free.
Thank you for your detailed and prompt response. I am amazed by your depth of knowledge and diagnostic skills. I have learnt a lot from you!