After taking 1 tsp of Perma-Guard food grade DE for three consecutive days, I suffer lower back pain, increased blood pressure, fast pulse and increased body temperature.
I really do not think the DE had anything to do with this. The increased blood pressure and pulse could be from the pain. Lower back pain and fever could be from a kidney stone trying to pass.
I think it was due to DE entered into my blood stream via my leaky gut. I am concerned about the damage to my internal organs, especially the kidneys which are very delicate. I don’t think these were Herx reaction. According to Wise Traditions (a publication of The Weston A. Price Foundation: quote “… individuals suffering from perforations of the alimentary tract (such as bleeding ulcers, colitis, leaky gut syndrome, and advanced lupus) always should exercise caution and use diatomaceous earth only under the care of a doctor or other health practitioner.”
In my opinion the Weston Price Foundation is one of the least credible sources of information for health one could possibly find. If you search their name on this site you will find posts I did previously on them and their false propaganda. What they don't seem to realize is that DE is silica, which we also get from drinking mineral water and by eating plants. So do they also recommend avoiding mineral water and fibers in these cases?
Should I do a kidney cleanse as well as liver flush to get rid of the DE even though I am so ill now? I would appreciate any advice.
If you are talking about the "liver flushes" with olive oil and lemon juice these do not work:
It sounds still like a possible kidney stone. If the pain is in the kidney area as opposed to the lower spine then I would say even more likely. But you did not mention exactly where the pain is. If it is in the kidney ares then I recommend nettle leaf and magnesium malate, which both dissolve the most common forms of kidney stones.
Yes, I agree silicon is essential to good health. But silicon in the form of DE is very sharp and that is why it kills parasites.
Yes, but that does not mean it harms our insides, other than the lungs if inhaled.
Can it damage the kidney filters and cause pain as well?
No, it is absorbed as orthosilicic acid not as crystalline silica.
My pain is around the kidney areas. I also feel some pain when I pee.
And again the silica will not excrete in the urine as crystalline silica. It excretes as orthosilicic acid, which does not irritate the tissues.
Yes, I have kidney stones before and not sure they are gone now (I drink magnesium citrate everyday, which is supposed to dissolve kidney stones.)
Calcium citrate will not dissolve all forms of kidney stones.
I took Stone Free yesterday (a hebal formula for kidney stones and gallbalder stones)which could trigger the movement of kidney stones. But I have taken Stone Free many times before and never have any problem.
Stones move if they are breaking up.
I also found in the internet today some people actually used DE to heal their leaky guts with some success.
Could it be just healing crisis as per the following website? But note this website is selling DE.
Quote “Since it appears to pass inertly through the digestive tract, releasing only a few trace minerals, decide for yourself what dose works well, bearing in mind that taking large amounts may have some very uncomfortable effects. "DEtox "-ing one's system too quickly might not allow enough time for one's metabolism to re-balance, creating discomfort known as a "healing crisis". This discomfort may be nothing more than inflammation caused by a reawakening immune system as it detoxifies and begins to attack previously unadressed chronic infections."
The site is full of misleading and misinformation. Too much to address. But very little DE gets absorbed. And definitely not enough to cause any kind of detox reaction.
Thank you for link to Liver Cleanse, which I think will not help in this case.
The link I posted was explaining why the "liver flushes" with the olive oil and lemon juice do not work regardless.
BTW, I feel better now after stop taking DE yesterday, though I still have flu like symptoms.
I still think that based on the information you have given that a kidney stone is most likely.
I do not drink calcium citrate. Instead, I drink magnesium citrate (CALM by Peter Gillham) containing 150 gm of elemental magnesium twice a day i.e. a total daily intake of 300 mg. I don't know whether it is sufficient to dissolve my kidney stones.
Sorry, I meant to say magnesium citrate. Magnesium citrate helps with calcium oxalate stones, but not uric acid stones, which are also a common form. Magnesium malate is a better choice at it works for both forms.
Can I take silicon drops like Biosil or Cell Food, or homeopathic silicon cell salt instead of taking DE for getting my silicon and hence its health benefits.
Biosil is good, but very expensive for what you get. I have never been able to find much information on CellFood. So I have no idea how much silica it really supplies. I don't know how much is in homeopathic cell salts either.
BTW, apart from killing parasites, are the many benefits claimed of DE really true?
Silica forms in to orthosilicic acid when it dissolves in water. This is used by the body to form proteins such as collagen, elastin and chondroitin. Therefore it can give tissues strength and elasticity as well as help with chondroitin formation in joints. So it can help strengthen hair, nails, tendons, ligaments, bones, cartilage, teeth and arterial walls. Conditions it helps with include osteoarthritis, osteomalacia, diverticulitis, emphysema, wrinkles etc. Silica does help remove lead from the body as well. A lot of the other claims I have seen I have yet to see any evidence of.
Apart from silicon, DE also contains other minerals, including aluminum. Can aluminum and other toxic metals be absorbed by taking DE?
Silica binds the aluminum and keeps it from affecting the body. Same reason we do not get aluminum toxicity from plants that also pick up aluminum from the soil.
Is DE safe and good for long term use?
I will check for kidney stones in my coming annual medical check-up. In the meantime, I will try to dissolve them with Stone Free.
Thank you for your detailed and prompt response. I am amazed by your depth of knowledge and diagnostic skills. I have learnt a lot from you!
Before I will take DE again, I just want to confirm again whether UNDISSOLVED DE leaked into the blood stream via leaky gut can cause damage to internal organs such as the lung and kidney. If no, why?
People need to realize that leaky gut does not mean that everything leaks in to the bloodstream. If this were the case then we would quickly die from sepsis. DE is not going to leak intact in to the bloodstream. If it could leak in to the bloodstream so would bits of food including fibers, bacteria, etc. What can leak are compounds dissolved in solution (solute). In the case of silica the silica does not absorb intact, but instead as orthosilicic acid (OA) that forms from the dissolving of silica in water. OA is what our bodies utilize and can even help maintain the structural integrity of the tissues in leaky gut.
I have a bottle of magnesium citrate plus malic acid. Is it equivalent to magnesium malate ?
That will achieve the same effects.
But then why can undigested proteins enter into the blood stream and cause allergies? These undigested proteins enter the blood stream in the form of undigested particles, don't they?
The proteins are not really "undigested" per se, just not completely digested. Some of the partially digested proteins form solutes allowing them to pass through the more permeable inflamed intestinal wall.