Re: Accutane Survivor: Gastrointestinal Problems??
I'll tell you something, this has been on my mind more and more lately. When I first saw that late night commercial saying "Has your loved one taken accutane and been hurt?", I couldn't help but notice all the side affects were digestive problems. Crohn's, IBS, U.Colitis.
I'm finally piecing it together and I think accutane did play a role. I've got terrible, crippling candida and accutane plus years of
Antibiotics probably did it.
When I first took it I became exhausted and could hardly get out of bed. Then I started developing burning in the stomach and urinary pain.
Now my gut is so shredded that yellow and white candida + mucus comes out daily. Have to do enemas every day just to barely get by.
The problem though is connecting our problems directly to the accutane use. The few people that have won big money settlements have had colon surgery and all kinds of horrors. I don't have it that bad, but I'm having bloody ropes of candida coming out.
Very bad. We should band together and sue those f***ers. It might not give us our health but might make us rich. Then maybe we can pay a team of doctors to find the cure.