After all the pain you've attributed to oil pulling its amazing you're still so dedicated. Remember, though, to try other oils if your not getting good results with what you're using. I've got to wonder if the peppermint has anything to do with it but just a guess.
The jury is still out (at least around here) on whether oil pulling "pulls" toxins and other stuff from the body. But it's pretty clear that all types of germs in the mouth can be dealt with by oil pulling. Abscesses, tooth infections, gum disease can be dramatically treated with OP. In fact all by yours truly at one point or another.
If you try mixing in as many drops of oregano oil as you can tolerate with your usual oil, you'll find infections get dealt with much quicker. Oregano oil is a powerful germ killer. But keep it all up - I'd put big bucks on daily oil pulling doing more for your oral health than any number of dentist visits at the end of the day.