Contradictory debates on MMS use
Hello collegues,
So according to very lively and interesting debates and arguments the final conclusion is?
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement is uncondinionally accepted remedy?
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement is scamm?
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement is conditionally accepted
- some kind of infections...
Why my interest was stick to the MMS?
Speculation that microorganism's biofilms could be penetrated in and fragmented with ClO2. I speculate that biofilms are so
superficial to any treatment ( so as
Antibiotic or antifungal
as home remedies ) that these treatments are only produce remission state which could be maintained by some addiction or depenedency on that home remedy or healthy food or mixed life-style ( compromising between obligations in daily work in unhealthy environment and a lot of efforts invested in
healthy food preparation like wheatgrass juice or sprouts ).
The main issue here I see is that with alternative treatments or chemical treatments we just succeed to improve microorganism's ability to adapt with special protective forms of living in human gut ( biofilms on intestinal lining ).
So how to approach to this problem if we hypothesize the biofilms in our gut are the facts. And this way we are always target ( is is just matter of the time and conditions when biofilms society open and release the living organisms through the body - end of remission state entering active ilness phase )?
Has anybody who tried with MMS protocol done some speculations in this directions and have any arguments that can enlighten treatment of biofilms in gut
( specially in chronic disease like prolems with sinuses
or Candida problems - waves of remission and accute
phases )?