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Re: Accutane and Liver Flush
sslea Views: 20,518
Published: 20 y
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Re: Accutane and Liver Flush

I took accutane twice in my twenties five years apart for four months both times. The last time I took it was in 97. It did cure my cystic acne, and I had no side effects at the time except for dry skin, and my doc had me take 400iu vitamin E and that took care of the dry skin. Now, I have a lot of problems, and my Acne came back in the form of rosacea, but I am not sure if they are from the accutane or the metabolife diet pills I took in my twenties. I have a mild case of chemical sensitivity, cannot handle any food additives , have to get my eight hours of sleep or I can't function, and it seems I am always dehydrated. I eat very clean, around 80% raw, no caffeine, ect. I have done three Liver Flushes and all have been successful, but I have been on my clean diet for over a year, so that may have helped. I am getting ready to do my fourth here soon. I as well wish I would have never taken accutane. I wish I would have known about curezone before I had my first root canal at 21! Let's just keep cleansing!



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