Alot of people have found taking GCG and chinese bitters together, to be a bit too much (even without the coptis and curcuma). I'm one of them... could not take GCG and chinese bitters at once.. One thing I've learned the hard way - doing too much at one time can be rouger on the body than not doing anything at all... so I've found its truly best to 'follow the rules.' By that I mean Julia herself says not to do more than one or 2 of her mixtures at once (1 or 2 depending on which ones you're doing). Andreas says to take Malic acid or GCG (but not both) for 7 days only, right before the flush.
Also I've found just from a troubleshooting perspective not to start doing more than one thing at once - that way if something doesn't agree with me, I know exactly who the offender is!
Your attitude to lick this thing on its butt is fantastic - truly excellent! Really :)