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Re: peppermints?
Boldyloxx Views: 1,671
Published: 20 y
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Re: peppermints?

Hi Hanna :-) !

I've just read something in Kevin Trudeau 's book, 'Natural Cures They Don't want you to Know about" that confirms what Andreas said about Supplements.

Kevin feels that they actually can hurt you-- as they are artifically mixed and combined, creating wrong balances. As well as synthetics added that hurt the body as well.

One thing Kevin mentioned is ideally we should get all organic fruits and veggies- and juice them if we cant absorb the nutrients.

Also, he reccomends getting supplements from Whole food sources-- like supplements made from organic vegetables. Also, Natural supplements like Cod Liver Oil, Flax Seed and Flax Seed Oil, Bee Propolis, Royal jelly, Noni Juice, Mangosteen Juice, etc.. He said a person should supplement with extra Calcium and Vitamin E- but not the types they sell on the shelves. They should get CORAL Calcium as it is plant based and has all the minerals. (I use this and noticed my fingernails have never been so strong and healthy -- and I've never had good fingernails!)

Also, the Vitamin E should be of mixed natural tocopherols-- and definitely NOT the synthetic version. I eat alot of raw nuts and take cod liver oil capsules, and so I may be already getting a good supply from that. The elderely or those who have circulation issues may benefit from the extra mixed E in capsules.

things that are already in their natural state-- and not synthesized are the best bet for a supplement. Things like Spirulina, Seaweed greens, Barely Grass,etc., are great. He said that though Noni Juice, and Mangosteen Juice are pastuerized (unfortunately) , they still have alot of good to them when taking them as part of your healthcare.

He also mentioned that organic made wines are better for you with a meal than juices.
Not the wine they sell in the liquior stores that has chemicals in it-- but home-made wine he reccomends.

If you ever get a chance to read his book- it is very interesting! Alot of what he says is confirmed by Andreas , The Barefoot Herbalist and other forums at Curezone.


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