Re: Update on Acaris/Roundworm infestation w/picture
Hello sd2345 :)
I'm also infected with ascaris/roundworms and i also use garlic in huge quatity. In fact i drink small pieces of garlic so my breath is better than if i have to chew garlic...
I've seen several doctors and specialists and they asked me "do you have traveled recently ?" they doesn't listen to the patient and sell drugs. Ok i've tried 2 differents drugs, twice and it lower the infection in the intestins but not in the body/lymph and the infection spreads again...
The cloves /
Wormwood / wallnut hull has not been efficient for me and i've spend thousand of $ in zappers for nothing.
I know that garlic, eating mostly fruit and vegetables and practicing sports help me to lower the infection but when i stop these efforts the infection spreads again and the itchings and crawlings starts again.
The problem is that
Ascaris worms seems to migrate to others parts of the body without problem.
I feel itchings and crawlings all over my body and even in the head sometimes... And zappers have not helped...
I'm going to try the beck protocol because eating garlic in great quantities is not the best way to meet new friends you know what i mean...
If you have any tips because i'm going crazy right now...