Re: Update on Acaris/Roundworm infestation w/picture
Thanks LoricaLady, I actually wanted to try the cascara sagara. I do take psyllium, and it seems to be just a glob when it comes out, and is very stringy, so I know it has carried out worms with it. I do fear that I have many more, and although I have a more normal feeling, and my skin, hair, bowels and mind is better over the last few days....I do not think they are all gone.
I am WAY past being freaked out by having worms come out of me, as I have seen hundreds of whole worms. But I think if I saw a garter snake I would freak! When I first realized what was happening inside me, if a string hanging from my shorts rubbed my leg I would go into a psychotic episode. I had to call my mom over to sit outside the bathroom while I did a high enema, cause I was afraid to let out the water and have worms pass out of me. Now I talk to them, curse at them, and laugh at them when I take my herbs and garlic. (and no, I'm not crazy, just coping).
Did you ever get rid of your worms? I have read over 200 pages of postings here, and don't really know if anyone has 100% rid them self of worms, using herbs or meds.
Thanks again for your reply, I have read alot of your post and you are always so helpful.