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Re: Oil pulling absolutely a detox!! "Pulling" something out
MrCuddly Views: 5,302
Published: 15 y
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Re: Oil pulling absolutely a detox!! "Pulling" something out

Personally I've always hated it when you post an opinion on some forum only to find out there's some kind of pecking order and grand poobah that doesn't like their opinion being challenged. Part of Molly's popularity is her casualness and the fact that she'd be the last person to react that way.

I happen to believe with the OP that some kind of detox IS going on for two reasons: 1) the resulting stuff you spit out is believed to be so toxic that special care is needed to dispose of it, and 2) subjectively my body always feels lighter and cleaner as if toxins were removed or cleansed.

Is that proof? No - but still neener neener neener Miss "Big Stuff" Bloom... ;)


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