Re: have done the liver flush (clarke)6 times,each time differant stoes come out,this time they were brown,about 100 stones from a pea size to a walnut size..also 2 flukes,looked like baby whales,,spageti like groves on there bottoms,about an inch long.
Re: have done the liver flush (clarke)6 times,each time differant stoes come out,this time they were brown,about 100 stones from a pea size to a walnut size..also 2 flukes,looked like baby whales,,spageti like groves on there bottoms,about an inch long.
I agree with Mother and Eureca. I have had very similar experience when flushing. Sometimes it goes really well and the digestive system seems great for a while and other times it leaves you just as you have explained. I would suggest that you when things don't go so well that you follow up with another flush almost immediately to shift any stones that may be blocking the movement of bile.