Re: have done the liver flush (clarke)6 times,each time differant stoes come out,this time they were brown,about 100 stones from a pea size to a walnut size..also 2 flukes,looked like baby whales,,spageti like groves on there bottoms,about an inch long.
Re: have done the liver flush (clarke)6 times,each time differant stoes come out,this time they were brown,about 100 stones from a pea size to a walnut size..also 2 flukes,looked like baby whales,,spageti like groves on there bottoms,about an inch long.
I agree, sounds like maybe a stone blocked one of your ducts. Maybe that is what happened to me. I used to flush and then I got pregnant and suffered from lack of bile flow (had floating, light colored stools, dark urine) and this wreaked havoc with my pregnancy. Keep flushing to get it out.