Re: have done the liver flush (clarke)6 times,each time differant stoes come out,this time they were brown,about 100 stones from a pea size to a walnut size..also 2 flukes,looked like baby whales,,spageti like groves on there bottoms,about an inch long.
Re: have done the liver flush (clarke)6 times,each time differant stoes come out,this time they were brown,about 100 stones from a pea size to a walnut size..also 2 flukes,looked like baby whales,,spageti like groves on there bottoms,about an inch long.
Sounds to me like more stones have moved forward and are blocking the secretion
of bile. I have had that happen many times. I just keep flushing and it goes
away for a little while. Since your stools are pale, it sounds like bile blockage. Also the digestive problems have happened to me also after a flush when there is further blockage. We need to keep flushing until all stones are gone. It takes
longer for some than others. Good luck!