Re: Good grief! Where can I find the truth??
>>"I have been searching the net for info on which foods are alkaline & which are acidic. I have heard these foods are acidic on one site & alkaline on another: eggs, popcorn, strawberries, milk."<<
Whether a food is going to be alkaline or acid forming depends upon the food's quality.
And depends in part on you... we are all metabolically different, and what may express as alkaline for me... may not for you.
Not one of the lists that I have run into even begins to explain that... even in a rudimentary way.
As one example... If you lean towards being a protein metabolic type, as I do... an organic, local, grass fed, free range, protein source could be alkalizing... even then, if the animal's environment is chemically polluted, it may not be.
If you are not a protein type, and lean more towards a carb type... then eating animal proteins may be a mistake for you in anything but small, occasional quantities.