One time for a friend who had very debilitating menstruation, we made up a tonic of wheatgrass juice. half to a gallon of water,
quart of any juice and 4 to 6
oz of the grass juice. Starting just before she knew it was coming on she drank a cup every hour or so and it really had a noticable positive affect. In her case she had a thick polluted bloodstream and that was I think why she suffered so. Id say UT is a great idea but like with most suplementation, magic cures are rare, but as far as assisting with saddness a good idea, especially if you incorporate some deeper work along with it.
This may be too heavy and off target but-------
Im sure youve read a bit or a lot about feeling sad and the chronic form known as depression. When one friend came to me and said " It feels like a dark dark cloud coming down on me" my response was great! what a sign of life, what a message.
I think we all have saddness, or the latent memory of serious saddness in our lives, but most of us buffer it with activity and life choices, which along with feeding our discursive stream in such ways also cause the knowledge and feeling to be disallowed and repressed. Yet actually only delaying having to face up later and often not till we face death.
Evan in the event we are sub par in some important element or we are toxified by some element. Life is full of reasons to know of and about saddness, course as you mention church, so you probably agree and know that the peace of the truth which surpasses this knowledge of sadness is what we need to discover and or reconnect with. The predicament is we think we must rid or over ride ourselves of this saddness element and many approach these things this way. I prefer and I find that the approach termed the power in praise has it more correct where the tecnique is actually to give thanks not only in the midst of any and all troubles but for them. Certainly not too common a thought in our societies these days.
Those who have been crushed by life and gotten back up only to be crushed again and again, often find that the answer is to finally after trying almost everything, to actually allow the sadness to wash over them, to give it space without thinking or catagorizing it. A bit at a time. In small increments at first. Then one day we find that as we feel discomfort arising, and we physically, skeletoly, musculaturly, and mentally surrender to it, without thinking about it, and it overcomes us again, suddenly we find soon following, a relaxation, a release of tension and an experience of equanimity and eventually actual unwarranted joy.( because peace and joy are constituant parts of our natural state)
This is also what we find by pursuing a serious practicing of meditation, which as the wording implies, is practice, practice for living. Practice which promotes and allows the rediscovering of whats really happening.
By learning how the process is frustrated or not , such that by continually returning to giving space, by allowing whatever is occuring, we discover a new perspective, a different arrangment. A living choice that isnt influenced by our present societies human frailties. A life situation which is more peacefull than previously known and is able to deal appropriately with circumstance, as long as we dont attempt to organise it to our perception, but rather allow this new and more evolved, more expanded perception, to be revealed to us.
Its hard because for so long we have been trained to think and do the opposite, but if we make the effort to face the necessary pain, at first moment to moment, we eventually learn to live with things as they are and not have them control us. Little by little at first, tho the speed is up to us and only determined by how badly we seriously want to be free.
Permanent escape is another reality aspectiture, tho the actual pain and discomfort will seem to lessen in intensity (we are incorporating greater levels of awareness, such that we arnt as affected by this basic pain frequency as we had been previously at less awareni), so it can seem like its not evan there, tho it is and will remind us if need be.
On the gross level and the most subtle, the flow of the life force can be either, restricted and congested, and called illness, physical or mental, or not. Run from the pain or face the pain, the message doesnt change, we do.