looking for feedback kidney area pressure and Iodine dosage
Ok.....so for the last few days, 3 I think I have just taking 1 tablet of 3mg standard process prolamine Iodine.....working with some muscle testing people and they told me to get off the Iodoral (50mg) for now.....so I thought I would give myself a break anyway....
so last night I was making a really late dinner and I hadn't eaten in 6 hours or so and I was feeling decent and they my legs started feeling weak and my kidney/adrenal area started tightening up in my low back and I felt really tired
Initially I am thinking, wow, did my adrenals just shut off?
but I do a KCl and Vitamin C push.....made me spacey, so they I do 1/4tsp salt, slightly better...then after an hour I take 50mg Iodoral and I chewed it so it would absorb faster.....it seemed like in about 10 min I started feeling better
does this make sense?
I usually think of it this way:
take Iodine, stuff gets dumped, take vita C and salt to flush out
instead of Don't take iodine, do flush doesn't do much and then do take more
Iodine and then feel better.
when I see this I wonder is it detox or is the
Iodine killing something? But if is wasn't detox then why would the kidneys get loaded up.
Any comments?