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Going to bed before 10 pm?
beht Views: 1,922
Published: 19 y

Going to bed before 10 pm?

Well, after following the links in the "are these stone olive oil globs" thread, I came across a statement I find strange. It basically says that bile flow will be good if you go to bed before 10 or 10:30 pm. I guess this means it won't be as good if you go to bed afterwards. This was supposed to be one of the things to implrement into lifestyle change after clearing the liver.
Well looks like I'll be doing Liver Cleanses forever then, because I can no sooner go to bed before 11, let alone 10 than I can fit a kitchen sink into my enema water!
I find this quite frankly nutty! Even if Im' exhausted and have underslept, the hours between 8 pm and 12 or even 1 pm are when my body is "awake" "alive" and "active" most of all. In fact, I find my energy level is best when I fall asleep between 1:30 and 2:30 am and wake up by about 9 or 9:30.
I will NEVER be going to bed before 10 and that is THAT!

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