The success of gallbladder surgery is established on surgery grounds alone. Once you are released by the surgeon after a few months that is the end of the procedure, and at this time a very high percentage (about 98%, can't remember the exact figure) of people have resolve the pain problem.
HOWEVER, and it is a big however, after 2 years 40% of people have a return of some of the symptoms because the cause hasn't been dealt with and the gallbladder wasn't to blame.
Five to six liver-flushes isn't nearly enough to clean the biliary system and in 6 month there was the scope to do more. Around 8 flushes is the minimum but for sludge and stones 12 to 20 are more usual. I didn't expel my troublesome stones until 11 flushes and it took many more to get rid of the stranglers.