Did you take anything to try and soften the stones PRIOR to the LF? Things like fresh squeezed apple juice, gold coin grass as well as other herbs and foods. Sometimes a Liver Flush is too hard on some people, you may be one of them. There are other ways to help your liver and gallbladder.
Please try doing this before you get your gallbladder removed. Have you visited this website for in depth info on your liver and gallbladder http://www.sensiblehealth.com/
Every organ we have we must hang onto. Our bodies were made this way. EVEN our tonsils and appendix have a place in the human body and to cut them out because a mainstream medical doctor has no idea how to cure you is asking for trouble.
I wish you well and hope you find the answer that will help you. DON'T GIVE UP, your body CAN heal itself if given the right tools!!