Re: Th1/Th2 immune function makes a lot of sense to me
I think we should continue to research and bounce ideas on this forum and off eachother and maybe encompass a formula for people to try..
because from where I'm sitting candida is a really hard thing to beat for good but if the mccombs plan and other anti candida diets worked the forum prob wouldn't exist (or at least be as lengthy :) lol
I took a look at his plan too and altho it had some good stuff theres stuff that is pro candida in there.
I like to look at things sometimes opposite of what the masses are doing and ask peculiar questions to spark different avenues of treatments/research.
I believe the immune system will destroy candida if we let it. th1 response shifting after we have tamed the candida with diet and a possible anti fungal supplement is the way to keep it away.
I also spoke with uniquity from natural healing forum and she doesn't recommend transfer factor or IP6 because they are "unnatural and drugs" (in her words) however i just got them in the mail a couple days ago so I've started and want to experiment on myself and such.
I will make an ascertain after a month or so. I wish the baseline NK activity tests were easily accessible and cheaper that way i could be more "scientific" and really report on any NK shift. Although i did notice after I took the TF and IP6 for a couple days an immediate runny nose (which I havent had in like 2 years since i've become a health freak) so I think its killing stuff :)
I'll be in touch, and as always God Bless