Thanks for proving my point, Hveragerthi, you will never understand - you'll just make libelous statements
The one article that you boast as being in favor of "colloidal silver" actually starts out with paying a little lip service to silver, but as it proceeds the article raises questions and makes suggestions that it is not safe. Scores of letters have been written to major media in newspapers and TV about the health breakthrough of xxx- the fact that it, along with xxxx, renders vaccines obsolete. None of them have ever written or spoken about xxxx, positively or negatively. They were even told about the $1,000,000.00 reward in gold for superior safety and efficacy, and still no response. Your basic, photosensitive, metallic colloidal silver does not perform anywhere near as safely and effectively as xxx Your best silver hydrosols do not either.
Real evidence exists for the product, but cannot be seen by the blind. If you feel so strongly about the product as you do, then register for the $1M in gold challenge, or consider yourself without any standing to say anything about xxx